Modal analysis of prestressed liquid-sloshing-structure free-free systems
We review the basic equations and corresponding variational formulations of the linearized vibrations of a
liquid with a free surface contained in an elastic structure (hydroelasticity, sloshing, structural-acoustics).In
hydroelastic standard situations, the liquid is considered as incompressible, gravity –sloshing effects being
taken into account through appropriate fluid-structure interface operator referred as elastogravity operator
using a scalar field (pressure and/or displacement potential fields for the fluid).
Compressibility effects for the fluid can be introduced, neglecting gravity free surface effects as in
structural-acoustic problems or taking them into account through some approximations.
Recently, we have analysed on a rigorous manner the basic equations of compressibility/gravity interactions:
the fluid irrotationality condition being replaced, in general, by a plane-irrotationality equation.
We present here some basic appropriate corresponding variational formulations. Current investigations
concern active/passive treatment for the vibration reduction as well as surface tension effects and various
damping effects.