Filter-bank OFDM transceivers for 5G and beyond
5G paves the way to service-centric adaptationradio link. The transmitted signal is now configured accordingto the service it provides and the propagation impairments itsuffers from. However, in 5G the multi-service multiplexing leadsto a poor bandwidth use. Indeed, CP-OFDM is responsible forlarge out-of-band emission and therefore large guard bands arerequired between bands of different numerologies. In this paper,the authors investigate the use of filter-bank based waveforms asan alternative of legacy CP-OFDM. Such waveforms prove to bean enabling technology for an efficient multi-service multiplexing.Moreover, it is possible to configure a unique filtering stage,i.e. the PolyPhase-Network, to simultaneously address differentnumerologies in the same system bandwidth. This result wouldease the support of real-time numerology adaptation as one basestation could provide different services in the same cell. Thispaper is rather dedicated on the study of BF-OFDM which is afilter-bank based waveform which relies on a 5G NR OFDMreceiver. Nonetheless the waveform provides great results onthe considered evaluation scenarios for a reasonable complexityincrease.