Bilateral comparison of luminous flux using lamps as transfer standards (EURAMET.PR-K4.2)
The Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais, LNE-CNAM (France) and The National Institute of Metrology, RCM LIPI (Indonesia) agreed in December 2013 to conduct a bilateral comparison on luminous flux using a group of lamps as transfer standards. The aims of the comparison were: • To link the RCM LIPI realized lumen to the CCPR K4 reference value • To demonstrate the RCM LIPI capability in calibrating tungsten standards lamps. The comparison and its protocol were approved by the CCPR and registered with KCDB with the comparison number: EURAMET.PR-K4.2. KEY WORDS FOR SEARCH Luminous flux, PR K4, Bilateral Comparison Main text To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report . Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database . The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCPR, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).